Macro Essentials

The macro system : /macro

Writing your first macro :

Click new in the macro window and name your new macro.

You can pick an icon if you wish, but by using the tooltip macro feature you can find the tooltip by inserting the following code into your macro. #showtooltip spellname
Once choosen we click accept. Now just add macro code to your newly created macro, drag your icon onto the action bar.

Your first macro! Enjoy.

Advanced Code : One of the most important features I've found to date is the ( ! ) What the exclamation mark does is tell the system that we are checking to see if the spell is active. Easy enough. Now using this logic we can add all of our aspects into our macros without turning aspects off on each alternate keypress.

/cast Aspect of the Hawk will turn Aspect of the Hawk on. the "/cast Aspect of the Hawk" has a flaw tho. The next keypress of our macro will then cancel your Aura. To fix this, add the ( ! ) to the macro.

"/cast !Aspect of the Hawk "Now the system checks to see if the Aura is on, if it is not it will turn it on and then cast the second spell in the sequence. If the spell is active it automatically moves to the second spell in the sequence without turning off the Aura.

Acceptable Ferocity PvP Pet Macro Commands

/cast Dash
/cast Charge
/cast Rabid
/cast Call of the Wild
/cast Heart of the Phoenix

Acceptable Tenacity PvP Pet Macro Commands

/cast Charge
/cast Thunderstomp
/cast Intervene

My All-in-one Pet Macro

/#showtooltip Heart of the Phoenix
/cast [no pet] Call Pet 1
/cast [pet] Mend Pet
/cast [target=pet, dead] Heart of the Phoenix
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Breakdown :
If your pet isn't up it will summon it. If pet is up it will mend it. If pet is dead it will attempt casting Heart of the Phoenix. I have a seperate Revive pet hotkey for while out of combat. Fast and furious for PvP use.

This macro is intended for an Orc Hunter with the Blood Fury Racial Ability.

NAME         : Fury
KEYMAP    : (E)
Macro Text : #showtooltip Arcane Shot
                       /cast !Aspect of the Hawk
                       /cast Blood Fury
                       /use 14
                       /cast Arcane Shot
                       /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Breakdown  :
The most important part of the macro is the "Arcane Shot". During a PVP fight you may find yourself using this ability more then once as "fighting on the fly" is required.

Before we actually cast Arcane Shot we are going to attempt to do a few things first.
1) Attempts to turn on Aspect of the Hawk if not active.
2) Attempts casting Blood Fury - This grants us approx. 1170 Attack Power for 15 sec
        2 min Cooldown
3) Attempts using our trinket - In my case, I use Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
        Stats : Equip : Improves your resilience rating by 301
        Stats : Use : Increases Agility by 1520 for 20 sec
        2 min Cooldown
4) Attempts to change pet to your current target.
5) Attempts to clear UI Error Text with the /script command when trinket/ability on cooldown.

Options :

Glyph of Arcane Shot - Your Arcane Shot deals 12% more damage.

Because I use this shot as an opener to every single fight use of this glyph adds some extra damage to my PVP encounters. Depending on your personal play style you may want to choose a different Glyph instead.

Marked for death - Marksman Talent Tree

Your Arcane Shot has 100% chance of applying Marked for Death effect.
This effect is the same as hunters mark but is undispellable making it perfect for use in PVP scenarios.

Trinket Slots - Trinket Slots are labeled 13 and 14 top to bottom. (/use 13 and /use 14) Switch this around as needed to cast trinkets.
Troll Hunters can also swap /cast Berserking in for /cast Blood Fury to activate the Racial ability Berserking.

Hunters with pets and ability Call of the Wild can add another line of text to this macro to further boost dps.
More on this at a later date.

Results :

Using this macro will increase your damage output significantly by making sure your trinkets and abilities stay on cooldown. Because Blood Fury and the trinkets are on different cooldown timers, it is possible to cast all of this in one keypress. Reminder! 2 min Cooldown / use although Arcane Shot can be fired between ability/trinket procs.

Total Attack Power gain for 15-20 seconds against marked target is 5,982.
(this total includes the marked for death talent)

42.5% of your total Attack Power is transferred to your pet, which is increased by approx. 2,542 for the 15-20 seconds your buffs are up. "/petattack" makes sure your pet is on your current target and insures you are getting max dps/use for this macro.

All of that being said, I want to remind you that this macro does not do any thinking for you. High end raid encounters will make this macro obsolete. I personally only use this one in pvp just to make sure I'm getting maximum burst damage every time it is available.

NAME         : SS
KEYMAP    : (Alt E)
Macro Text : #showtooltip Serpent Sting
                       /cast !Aspect of the Hawk     
                       /cast Serpent Sting

Breakdown  : This macro just ensures your Aspect of the Hawk is active and then casts Serpent Sting. Also, in addition it transfers your pet stance to defensive. Pretty simple. Making it a perfect follow up starter to the shot rotation.
From here will be begin our normal shot rotation weaving abilities as needed depending on the sitiuation.

Options : We use this shot a lot so it might be beneficial to get the talent Improved Serpent Sting under the Survival Theme. Your Serpent Sting also does instant damage equal to 30% of it total periodic effect. Also, increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting by 10%.

Also, you could choose the Glyph of Serpent Sting and add yet another 6% chance at the periodic critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting.

NAME         : Steady OTM
KEYMAP    : (Alt 1)
Macro Text :  #showtooltip Steady Shot              
                       /cast !Aspect of the Fox
                       /cast Steady Shot

Breakdown : Turns on Aspect of the Fox so you can use Steady Shot on the move.

NAME         : Cobra OTM
KEYMAP    : (Alt 2)
Macro Text :  #showtooltip Cobra Shot
                        /cast !Aspect of the Fox
                        /cast Cobra Shot

Breakdown : Turns on Aspect of the Fox so you can use Cobra Shot on the move.

Please feel free to comment on my blog and let me know what you think. I only wrote this up to help other people and any useful information will be used to update this guide.